During your meditation class you will learn four meditation techniques, all of which work together to reduce stress, increase peace of mind, improve body function and enhance your spiritual development.
These techniques are based on four positive emotions – Praise, Gratitude, Love and Compassion. They are called Ascension Attitudes as they help you “ascend” or “rise-above” the limitations of the mind. They require no belief and are very easy to use.
Most people report that the experience of using them is very pleasant and deeply relaxing. It’s not uncommon to finish a 20 minute meditation session (what we call Ascending) feeling rested, peaceful and with greater mental clarity and energy.
The class, which is called a First Sphere is enjoyable and is typically taught by two teachers. Here is a brief description of each of the meditation techniques you will learn.
The First Sphere Techniques
Praise Ascension Attitude
The Praise Ascension Attitude is the first one we teach on the class and it forms the foundation for the rest of the practice. Amazingly simple to use, it helps transform the way you experience your life, exactly as it is.
Many people have reported that they have been able to experience inner peace even when life has been challenging. Many have discovered the clarity and courage to change what they needed to, but perhaps had been avoiding.
This easy meditation technique helps dissolve many ingrained habits and self-destructive patterns and will help you more deeply appreciate the beauty and magic in life.
Gratitude Ascension Attitude
This simple technique has a double effect.
Firstly it helps your relationship with your physical body. Most of us at times in our life experience frustration or judgements against our body. It may be as simple as not liking how we look, at other times it can develop into unhealthy and destructive habits.
The Gratitude Ascension Attitude changes the way you experience your body, and reduces mental interference in body functioning. The regular use of this technique as part of your practice helps your body unleash its own healing power.
Secondly, this technique also changes the way you experience the world outside of yourself. Judgement and fear drop away, and you begin to experience things in a much more positive way. This technique can help you be a greater participant in your life, holding less back, and living life with more enthusiasm and purpose.
Love Ascension Attitude
Like the other techniques to meditate with this one is easy to use and powerful. It helps you connect with your Source (whatever you call it). This technique helps heal any feelings of unworthiness you may have (even hidden ones), and opens you up to an experience of Love regardless of how life looks on the outside.
Typically we learn through life that we need someone else to help us feel loved – this Ascension Attitude reveals that we can connect to an unshakable experience of Love within. It helps us let go of past hurts, allows us to truly experience forgiveness, and live life without fear.
Compassion Ascension Attitude
The final technique is a beautiful embodiment of the Ishayas’ Teaching. It helps you experience your connection with everyone, ends separation and loneliness.
Participants have reported that it helps them take responsibility for their lives and empowers them to live without compromising their heart’s desires.
It helps you let go of judgement, initially with yourself and then with others, and to live your life with greater compassion.
The Ishayas’ Meditation Techniques – Powerful and Practical
These four techniques are taught in our meditation classes and you can use them sitting in a comfy chair with your eyes closed for 20 minutes and you get the benefits of meditation.
In addition (and many people find this exciting) you can use them with your eyes open as you go about your daily tasks. Used this way they help you stay “in the moment“, more peaceful, focussed and reduce the stressful impact of your day. So the Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension techniques to meditate are perfect even if you are a busy person.
To find out more about how Ascension courses work, please visit out main website here.