Where does Ascension come from?
The Ishayas’ Teaching has its roots in both the East and the West. In the East it stems from the Vedic Tradition of India, the very tradition of Enlightenment itself. In the west it has roots in the Judeo-Christian culture of the early first century.
The Ishaya tradition itself is actually thousands of years old and has been shared through and unbroken lineage of teachers. The Teaching became public again in the early 1990’s when it was shared by Maharishi Sadasiva Isham (MSI).
Since then it has spread around the globe and one of MSI’s direct students teaches, trains and guides the teachers who you will meet at your class.
It is our commitment to hold this Teaching in integrity and purity so that’s it’s ancient simplicity and effectiveness are not over-complicated in today’s busy world.
Is it a religion?
No. Although the Ishaya Tradition has deep spiritual roots, no belief is required to practice and benefit from using the techniques.
If you belong to a particular faith, consider yourself a spiritual person, or are aetheist or agnostic you can still use these techniques to experience peace of mind, better health and happiness.
I have million of thoughts – I’m not sure if I can stop my mind!
One of the great things about the practice of Ascension is that we don’t try to stop thoughts. Thoughts are a natural part of life – however, thinking, resisting thoughts and getting caught up in the whirlpool of the mind cause mental suffering and tires the body.
The techniques of Ascension allow you to change your relationship with thoughts, so you can experience inner peace and contentment even if your mind is chatty. It’s actually very simple to experience if you have the correct techniques, and it makes life so much easier and more enjoyable.
Can I still be peaceful while my 3-year-old is screaming?
Good question! Through the regular use of the Ascension Attitudes one naturally becomes more peaceful, regardless of how the outside world looks.
Using the techniques eyes-open helps you engage in your everyday duties but from an experience of inner calm – even with a screaming 3-year-old!
How long will it take to get results?
It’s difficult to answer that as we are all different, but as soon as you learn our meditation method your body and mind begin to experience deep levels of rest. By using the techniques as taught in your class you will begin to have a different outlook on life surprisingly quickly and easily.
Can I learn online?
The teaching of the Ascension Attitudes has always been directly from teacher to student in person. One of the main reasons for this is that it helps ensure that the techniques are used correctly, as feedback can be given there and then to the student. This is one of the reasons that the techniques will never be taught through books or online.
The experience of the weekend class is a gift and is valued by virtually everyone who attends.
Do I have to be able to sit cross-legged?
No special position is required to practice the Ishayas’ Ascension. Sitting comfortably is very important as it means you won’t be distracted by pain in your body.
Is there any support after my class?
The Bright Path Ishayas are committed to providing ongoing support for all who have attended the class. You can repeat the class as often as you wish (free of charge) anywhere in the world. We also regularly run further meditation courses for those who have completed the initial class.
Telephone support is always available (free of charge), and we have a number of courses and retreats that we run exclusively for those who have taken the initial class.
In some parts of the UK and Ireland there are local groups who meet to meditate together and provide support and a sense of community.
How much does it cost?
Typically the course costs £360, however prices may vary depending on venue costs or if it is part of a retreat.
Once you have taken the First Sphere class you can repeat it free of charge as often as you wish anywhere in the world.